詩101首(One Hundred and One Poems)

詩101首(One Hundred and One Poems)

  • 作者 / 隋齊柯甫 著 李魁賢 譯
  • 出版社 / 秀威出版(秀威資訊)
  • 出版日期 / 2010-01
  • ISBN / 9789862213315
  • 定價 / NT$ 170
  • 優惠價 / NT$ 153
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譯 序 

1. 地獄熱浪來自七月
A hellish heat wave is coming in July 
2. 天亮啦,醒醒吧,親親!
A new day comes, wake up, Your Grace! 
3. 一日蝴蝶
A one-day butterfly 
4. 俱往矣
All in the past 
5. 給我疲憊心靈的永遠寓所
An eternal abode for my tired soul 
6. 期 待
An expectation 
7. 身 心
Body and soul 
8. 來愛我吧,詩人呀
Come and love me, poet 
9. 創作的苦惱
Creative torture 
10. 暗紅夕陽
Dark red sunset 
11. 日日不停
Day a_er day without a stay 
12. 愛情宣言
Declaration of love 
13. 生活無趣
Disappointment for life 
14. 我會關心嗎?
Do I care? 
15. 別走,請與我同在
Don't go away, stay with me 
16. 妳想知道愛的意義嗎?
Do you want to know what love means? 
17. 我童年的魔女
Enchantress of my childhood 
18. 永恆的夢
Eternal dream 
19. 明日的自由心靈
Free soul of tomorrow 
20. 初 雪
First snow 040
21. 妳身體的地理學
Geography of your body 
22. 夢中女郎
Girl of my dream 
23. 給我宇宙酒喝
Give me wine of the Universe to drink 
24. 幸 福
25. 天 地
Heaven and earth 
26. 無 望
27. 我的心情多麼善變
How changeable is my mood 
28. 悲傷是什麼樣子?
How does sadness look? 
29. 我怕妳不會是我的
I am afraid you cannot be mine 
30. 我是永遠的春天兒童
I am an eternal child of spring 
31. 我是永久運動的一部份
I am a part of eternal movement 
32. 我是月光的銀魅
I am a silver ghost of moonlight 
33. 我厭倦了暴力和戰爭
I am fed up with violence and war 
34. 我掛在牆壁上如黑白肖像
I am hanging on the wall like black-and-white portrait 
35. 感謝妳,命運
I am thankful to you, my fate 
36. 我是愛的園丁
I am the gardener of love 
37. 我建造奇妙的房屋
I build my strange house 059
38. 此刻我無法想像
I can't imagine for the moment 
39. 我不在乎
I don't care 
40. 我照鏡
I look in the mirror 
41. 我愛妳如昔
I love you as before 
42. 我凝視自己心靈的鏡中
I've gazed into mirror of my soul 
43. 我始終到處尋找妳
I've searched for everywhere all the time 
44. 我但願
I wish I were 
45. 我但願是永恆書上的一行
I wish I were a line in eternity book 
46. 我願與妳長相左右
I would like to stay with you 
47. 要是我能把感情形諸文字
If I could put my feeling into words 
48. 幻覺的寧靜
Illusory silence 
49. 早晚會輪到我
In time my turn will come 
50. 我似乎又看到妳的笑容
It seems to me I see your smile again 
51. 讓我們遺忘舊恨吧
Let's forget about all strife 
52. 讓我們結伴去航海
Let's take an ocean trip together 
53. 愛情綿綿無盡
Love is endless 
54. 愛情不能預料
Love is unpredictable 
55. 三 月
March 083
56. 晨 夢
Morning dream 
57. 繆 斯
58. 無 常
59. 夜思夢想之樂
My nightly thoughts whimsical delight 
60. 可憐的花,我還是不明白
My poor _ower, I still don't understand 
61. 啊,妳像我見過的凡人
Oh, you are like nobody I ever meet 
62. 只有青春才冀望登峯
Only youth hopes for the best 
63. 紙燈籠
Paper lantern 
64. 飛馬星座和馬
Pegasus and a horse 
65. 或許妳會聽到我遺忘的歌
Perhaps you'll hear my forgotten song 
66. 詩人的幻想
Phantasy of a poet 
67. 詩 人
68. 可憐的詩
Poor poetry 
69. 不信「塵歸塵」的老道理
Reject an old truth“From Dust to Dust" 
70. 回 憶
71. 玫瑰信封
Rose envelope 
72. 寂靜的黃昏
Silent evening 
73. 睡美人
Sleeping beauty 
74. 南國之夜
Southern nights 
75. 留在我身邊多一些
Stay with me a little more 
76. 夏 夢
Summer dream 
77. 夏 午
Summer midday 
78. 溫 柔
79. 裸體之謎
The enigma of naked body 
80. 隧道末端的光
The light at the end of the tunnel 
81. 愛的哲學
The philosophy of love 
82. 陶 罐
The pot of clay 
83. 有永遠難解的結
There is an eternal knot of problems 
84. 總有一個時候
There will be a time 
85. 麻雀好鬥成性
The sparrows are _ghting aggressively 
86. 人生的苦味
The taste of a bitter life 
87. 心靈之風
The winds of soul 
88. 此刻,凡塵喧囂
This moment, a terrestrial rustling 
89. 時間流逝
Time is running out 
90. 鶺 鴒
91. 從妳的美夢中甦醒!
Wake up from your amazing dream! 
92. 四月的垂柳
Weeping willow in April 
93. 松樹的絮語
Whisper of pines 
94. 凋敝的年代
Withered age 
95. 女人始終渴望愛情
Woman is thirsty for love at all times 
96. 妳是我的!
You are mine! 
97. 妳是我可靠的情人
You are my reliable love 
98. 妳仍然滿懷愛
You are still full of love 
99. 妳不能遺忘妳所愛
You cannot forget your beloved 
100. 妳找到歡樂時刻
You found a moment of joy 
101. 妳的呼喚是天上的蜜奶
Your call was heavenly manna 


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