網路書店 相關搜尋結果 共 5 筆
董崇選 秀威經典(秀威資訊)2020/06/01
中興大學外文系名譽教授&「懂更懂學習英文網站」負責人;曾為全民英檢提供專業諮詢&從事英文翻譯教學無數! 本書談論「中英翻譯」的理論與實踐,有清晰的解說與明確的實例。在理論部分,談到翻譯的定義與種...
董崇選 秀威經典(秀威資訊)2016/07/01
董崇選 秀威出版(秀威資訊)2011/08/01
Here is a collection of seven critical essays on Shakespeare as a visionary playwright. In this boo...
董崇選 秀威出版(秀威資訊)2009/03/01
Here is a collection of sixteen critical papers which inquire into literary problems found in works ...
董崇選 秀威出版(秀威資訊)2007/12/01
Here is a collection of fifteen papers bearing on some interesting issues or problems that a modern ...