關鍵字搜尋:林孜郁(Tzu Yu Allison Lin)

網路書店 相關搜尋結果 共 3 筆

Essays on Education, Literacy and Culture

林孜郁(Tzu Yu Allison Lin) 秀威出版(秀威資訊)2022/12/01

This book is for readers who are interested in education, literacy and culture -- not as separate en...

The Condition of Language

林孜郁(Tzu Yu Allison Lin) 秀威出版(秀威資訊)2021/12/01

Literature is not all about a play of a language, or a kind of linguistic game. The written pages ar...

Art and Narrative

林孜郁(Tzu Yu Allison Lin) 秀威出版(秀威資訊)2019/08/01

This book aims to be a guidance, showing a way of reading a literary text not only verbally but also...